Continuous site scanning
— effortless remediation

Seamlessly scan, track, fix, and manage the accessibility
health of all your digital assests in one place.

How it works

Keep your evolving digital assets accessible with our
unified remediation platform.

Scan and monitor

Automated tools continuously check for accessibility issues across all your digital properties, providing instant alerts and health status updates.

Analyse and prioritise

Advanced analytics rank issues by severity and user impact, allowing teams to focus on high-priority fixes.

Integrate and fix

Push issues directly into your team’s workflow, streamlining remediation and reducing time to resolution.

Measure and improve

Benchmark your progress with clear, customisable reports and track ongoing health metrics to ensure long-term success.

Why it works

Cost efficiency
Automate checks and proactively integrate remediation to save time and resources.
Lower legal risks
Ensure ongoing compliance while minimising the legal and reputational risks.
Manage accessibility across all your digital assets in one place.
Scalability and sustainability
Manage accessibility across all your digital assets in one place and embed sustainable accessibility into your organisation.

Related solutions

Reporting and insights dashboard

Monitor accessibility health, track fixes, and benchmark progress
across all your digital products.

Automated remediation
Stay ahead with continuous scans that detect and resolve issues in real-time.

Audits and user testing

Accessibility tested across all digital touchpoints.

Collaboration and workflow management

Optimise workflows with adaptable tools and interactive collaboration.

98% of websites fail accessibility standards -
ensure yours isn’t one of them.

Take the first step
